Tuesday, July 25, 2006


There's really not much going on. I've been working on my "project" pretty much all morning, but thought I'd take a break, read some news, and make a short post. In the middle of all of this I wandered into our break room here at work and looked up at the TV. Most of the people here usually leave the channel on MSNBC, FOX News, or some sort of crappy channel like that (really, who wants to actually watch news all day long?). Today was no different.

As I looked up, I saw our President, George "Duh"-bya Bush, talking about Iraq. Nothing new there. He seems to be on the TV everyday talking about Iraq. Well, in between groping the German Chancellor and talking shit with English PM Tony Blair, anyway.

Anyway, I started to just head straight for the water fountain when something cool flashed across the ticker on the bottom of the screen. I can't remember exactly what it said, but it was close to "Zombies arrested for dancing in Minneapolis". My first thought was "Huh? I gotta check this out!"

Well, the news wasn't going off of President Bush anytime soon, so I v-lined it straight back to my desk to do a Google News search for "Zombie". Here's what it came up with. The story I was actually looking for is located here, but I'll give a synopsis. Supposedly, a group of people, all adults except one juvenile, were dressed up like zombies dancing around the Mall of America. They happened to have some backpacks with them that had radios or something in them, and the police, somehow, thought they had fake "Weapons of Mass Destruction". That was cause enough to arrest them.

That, however, wasn't the most interesting Zombie news of the day!! I was delighted that something is actually going on in Iowa these days (I lived there for a short while, so I'm free to poke as much fun as I want!). Well, if you can consider THE UNDEAD being "something going on". Zombies pillaged through the streets in Iowa City here recently, scaring the shit out of old people and children alike. I'm thinking I may just have to make it back up to Iowa the next time they have one of these "Zombie Rallies", because it sure as hell sounds like a load of fun!

Lastly, a little closer to my old hometown... This is going on in Louisville! You know that if I were back in BG or Owensboro, I would SO being heading to L'ville to be an extra in this movie. Really, who wouldn't want to be covered in blood while eating intestines? Sounds like a party to me!

Anyway, have a great "ZOMBIE" day! That's what I'm officially making July 25th, from here on out.

Oh, and I'm a horrible son! I forgot to call my Mom yesterday on her birthday. We, technically, celebrated it over the weekend, but I still should've called. I just happened to remember this morning when I flipped my calendar over to today.

So, the day after my Mom's birthday is now, officially, "Zombie Day". Well, I felt like a Zombie when I woke up this morning, so, at least, I'm doing my part!
||Inflicted on you by John, at 11:03 AM


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