Very, very few things in my personal life ever piss me off. That is because, I, to some extent can control those things. I don't let arguments between my wife and I bother me too much. Nor do I let the stupid little things that I do bother me. Usually I just laugh them off.
However, my professional life is a complete different story. Nothing pisses me off more than something that is so far out of my control, yet affects me so much. I'm dealing with an issue like this as I type. I've been working on it all morning, and it's just gets worse and worse. The sad thing is that it would be okay if it ended at my boss's boss, but, unfortunately, it goes much further up the food chain.
Now, out of respect for Adrianne (who believes that she only learns things about me via reading this), I'm going to hold off getting into it all. I really do want to talk to her about it, even though I've already talked to my bosses, and they know I'm a little upset. Either way it doesn't matter, because no one that I talk to about it has any control, nor can change anything. This situation sucks with a capital "UCK"!
For once, it's not me being the idiot, but people that are making a lot more money than myself. Now that is scary!
Thanks for letting me get a little of it off my chest. I'll, probably, revisit this tomorrow.