Monday, May 22, 2006


With that being said, here's my favorite that just happens to tie into things today... "No time for love Doctor Jones!" -- from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (great movie by the way!).

Yeah, that's my day, in a nutshell. I've been here since about 7:35, and I've actually been working since then. I took lunch at 12:40, and this is the first chance I've had to even think about opening up the internet. That's just how things work when you're getting ready to take nearly two weeks off. Yes, Wednesday is my last day here for a little while, and, thus, will be my last entry for just as long.

I had plenty of goings on this weekend, but don't really have the time to discuss them. I will say this, though, I had some crazy dreams, but was too lazy to write them down. One dream I specifically remember was a cartoon. My entire dream was a cartoon. I was a cartoon character, as was everyone else. I don't remember what happened in the dream, but I know it was a cartoon. Damn, I love cartoons.

So, I've gotta get back to the grindstone! The wedding week is upon us, and I've got a lot on my mind, so I'm trying to work, a lot, to help keep me from worrying too much.
||Inflicted on you by John, at 1:51 PM


How cool! Dreaming you are a cartoon character!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:36 PM  
I seem to recall there were old school "Mafia" type gangsters too. It's really cloudy now. I should've written some stuff down.

The reason I had the dream in cartoon-o-vision is because I watched Batman: The animated series right before I went to bed. Crazy how that stuff slips right in there!
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